The distinctive Arriflex 35 IIC is one of the most significant motion picture cameras of all time, and a favourite of the Hollywood new wave of cinematographers of the 60’s and 70’s. The hand held camera was famously beloved by Stanley Kubrick whose 1971 cult classic, A Clockwork Orange, was shot almost entirely on the Arri 35 IIC. Inside Information: Director's Cut imagines the internal going-ons inside this classic movie camera. Look closely and see how many iconic scenes from famous films you can identify. The print features 60 of the greatest movie moments of all time, including iconic scenes from Taxi Driver (the mirror monologue), Psycho (the shower), The Godfather (the horse’s head), The Shining (Here’s Johnny), Alien (the chest-bursting), Trainspotting (the toilet), Apocalypse Now (Ride of the Valkyries) and Kubrick’s A Clockwork Orange (Korova Milk Bar) to name just a few.